
Showing posts from December, 2020

Praise - December 27, 2020

After Christmas, there’s often this exhale in the church. We made it. Another year is nearly wrapped up. All of the excitement and expectation has reached a payoff – whether it’s celebrating and remembering the birth of Jesus, or gathering with family, or giving and receiving gifts – there’s a certain sense of completion most years. This year has been different for a lot of us. We weren’t able to gather with our usual crowds of family and friends. Illness and employment and political drama may have caused us or loved ones anxiety. We can identify with the song O Holy Night when it calls the world “weary.” But, the weary world can rejoice. We have a savior. Help not only is on the way, but is here, and that’s what we celebrate this Christmas. Join us in reading Psalm 146 & 147 as we do what the psalmist says: Praise. If you wish to email us to be included in our live Zoom services, or for prayer requests, click here .

Fourth Week of Advent: King - December 20, 2020

We're in the final week of Advent, and though we know that this year has been different and harder than many other years, we still have a savior, and he still loves us. The beautiful reality is that grace doesn't get sick.  What would you do if you were a king or a queen? What would you do if you were the king or queen and someone asked to see the king...and they weren't referring to you?  We're going to look at some Old Testament prophecy ( Isaiah 7 and 9 , and Jeremiah 23 ), as well as that exact scenario with Herod in Matthew 2 . While we may not be Herod, we still like to take up a seat on the throne in our heads, hearts and lives. What would change if we allowed Jesus to be king, though? The king is here, and he is good. God bless you. If you want to email us for more information or prayer requests, click here .

Third Week of Advent: Blessed - December 13, 2020

We're already into the third week of Advent for the year, and this week we're talking about being blessed. In the book of Ephesians, and Paul is writing to the Ephesian church to remind them how blessed they are: That those who trust in Jesus share in every spiritual blessing that's been given to him, through him.  Our greatest blessing is that we are restored into right relationship with God as our Father so that we can glorify him with praise.  We're meeting online through the rest of this year, and we know that's not ideal, but it's just for a season. If you want to join in our Zoom church services every Sunday at 10:30AM, email us here, and let us know ! We email out the link every Saturday night, and a reminder email is sent out Sunday morning.  To follow along with our text for today, click here .  Be safe, and be blessed. 

Second Week of Advent: The Light and the Life - December 6, 2020

This week we look from three different viewpoints towards Jesus and how he fulfills the promises of God throughout the generations, ultimately showing us how we can trust in his promises for us, as well. The Mom: Luke 1:46 -55 : Commonly known as Mary’s song. See how Mary recognizes how great God is, the reality of her lowly estate, and the joy in seeing God working through her. She ties her situation into the promises made to her nations ancestors. The Friend: John 1:1-5 : We see one of Jesus’ contemporaries connecting Jesus to creation and recognizing him as God. John also connects Jesus as being the source of life and light. The Pastor: Hebrews 1:1-4 : The author of Hebrews also ties Jesus into the prophets, as well as recognizing the finished work that he came to accomplish. He also tells his readers that Jesus is the exact representation God’s being. If you want to email us, click here.